There’s A First Time For Everything

Despite 40-some-odd years of writing lyrical verse I have never entered a competition …… until yesterday. The fact that I’d never previously done so seemed like sufficient reason to do so …… so I did. The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for those from away) is holding a short poem contest ….. That is the poems are short, not the contest. It’s hosted by their program “Fresh Air”. Max 50 words and the theme must be about the first time for something …… which seemed appropriate …. almost a sign ….. an imperative.

So here’s what I sent in …..

The First Night Alone

Soft and silently she blows…the warm breeze in the night.

Still and steadily she glows…the old moon shining bright.

Slow and sensuously she flows…the wide sea to the shore.

Sad and solemnly she grows…the memory of before

They’ll be reading the winners on the Fresh Air edition on April 29th.

Hmmmmmmmmm ….. guess I better listen in that day.

BTW, I think that’s about the shortest poem I’ve ever written …… Now if they have a looooong petry competition the one I’m working on at present has so far passed 40 X 8 line verses (320 lines) and is still going strong. (Sounds like it’s going to become book 4 all by itself).

OK …. Time to get ready for my day time job. After all, even us starving poets have to have the money to eat sometimes.